The work continues in the playground of our shadow, as we explore taboo & un-loved parts of ourselves. Now we can begin to be more brave…


Introduction video for module two:

You are sovereign when you devote your power to forces greater than yourself.

So be guided through your intimate tapestry of self-deception, into the protective mechanisms that have kept you alive till now.

How can you become a responsible wielder of your power?


Let’s go deeper…

Surrender the ways you’ve deceived yourself, surrender your understanding - of your assumed disempowerment & of your presumed limits.

Through embodied coaching and shadow work you can begin to cultivate a sense of self-responsibility & find your authentic,sovereign self.

Here we explore the archetype of the Bitch & her shadow - to connect with how you’ve been out of your integrity - your powerlessness & the misuse of it.




For shadow-work integration we recommend that you complete the shadow aspects journaling exercise & take a moment to set an intention before doing this meditation.

Remember; you are loved & accepted without doing a single thing. reach out to the team for support if you need help integrating this intense work.