Powerful womxn & trauma

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CN: trauma & s*xual abuse.
I might look like a liberated, radical, shame free femme to you - but my journey towards wholeness has been a long one.
:isnโ€™t it for all of us?

Simply being a sexual being brings with it a myriad of traumas.
Whether you have had the opportunity to make the conscious inquiry with these ubiquitous traumas or not,
It is unlikely any of us have escaped its tentacles.
Behind every powerful, cardinal womxn lies a lineage of shame and mistrust.
& I am unravelling my own lineage of powerlessness, shame & mistrust.

On my path of healing my own s*xual trauma :-
I have had the lived, embodied experience of re-traumatizations.
: if you donโ€™t know what โ€™re-traumatisationโ€™ is; it is when the nervous system literally re-lives an original experience of trauma. The symptoms of a re-traumatisation can range from the fight/flight/freeze trauma responses & can go either unnoticed or can be quite paralysing in their most extreme cases.
I was lucky enough to be one of the more extreme cases.
And im grateful.
Whilst it almost destroyed me -
It also saved me.
And it has been my most potent teacher.
I was humbled.
Beneath the mask of a powerful womxn lies a lineage of shame & trauma.
I have had to find my own way home back to my body, through the numb-ness
& we all have a long way to go, still.

So before you decide to judge a sacred wh0re for their fucking divine glory,
Check in:
Are your judgements the seat of deep insecurity?
Is there a deeper un-met need of liberation & expression?

How do you collaborate with your oppressors?
& how are you letting yourself get free today?
How are you restoring your own sovereignty, agency and power?

Happy fucking beltane to all the sacred whores & s*x witches out there tonight. ๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ

May 20, 2020


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